Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Widow's Mite Truth

     As we carefully read through the Bible we are able to observe connections throughout, from beginning to end. God carefully took the time to tie it all together in order that we would be able to understand it all. Reading in full context is what God expects from us in order that we continue to grow in His Word.
     One of the hidden truths that I have been studying lately is in reference to Luke chapter 21. 
     Luke 21:1-4 "And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast into the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had."
     The meaning of this piece of scripture is symbolism. The symbolism used here is to exemplify the true demonstration of what "giving" means to God. God does not seek the people who give and do nothing in regards to studying His Word. God seeks for us, as the widow, to give our whole selves in order that He may enlighten us into His kingdom, which bears no monetary gain. This symbolic lesson of the Bible is so critical to understanding tithing and contributions to God. To think of the parable more in regards to offering her Son as opposed to monetary possessions is what God is attempting to demonstrate. The coins may be understood as two children, and by offering her two sons to God, she was rewarded. The offering of a child to become a pupil of God is what we are to be seeking to achieve. Following an offering in this way, we begin to see blessings that are not of this world.
     To fully understand how we may reference the widow of Revelation in regards to deep symbolism we may begin to connect the dots by referencing Luke 21. You see, the widow of Revelation is consumed by material possessions and retains control of people by money. Money is the reason that people never see or understand God. The demise of society has become what we created, currency. The ability of evil to use money to remain in control is the dilemma. It is critical to understanding what our nation and all nations across the world have become...We are a world composed of material possessions and are forced to rely on money for our survival. True survival is understanding God and what He asks of us. God asks that we learn to no longer rely on money for survival, but that we rely on the gifts that we possess to help one another overcome the opposition. 
     By carefully thinking of the flip side of the parable of the "widow's mite" we see that God has shown us that the strength of a widow or any person (without Christ) is to enslave people to a system that was not created by God. The reason that He wrote the Revelation was to demonstrate the truth of the current state by which we are currently living.  The power of the widow in Revelation is to hold people accountable to "it" by forcing people to work for the system, created and established by pillars that God never spoke. This is where the confusion and power was both abused and this is where the world got lost. 

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