Having been caught up in a moment of moral agony I feel it only necessary to address a matter of moral crisis that has been created by mankind. This issue that I am referring to is in regard to modern day use of language and the direct relationship in and throughout God's Living Word.
The matter of concern that I feel compelled to write about is that of the reference to money and material value in a direct relationship with God. The goal of Jesus was never to become of the world, but to live according to the Divine Law of heaven through our relationship with God the Father. In order to overcome the world Jesus had to teach the world what it meant to live freely and without cost. Creation was given to us as a free gift, and that of which we are to fully embrace and use to live according to God's way. God's way is not increasing the need for money or currency, but doing away with the power of the world. The ruler of this world uses money to control the lives of those who have dedicated their lives to serving God. Of all the sins of mankind, the use of money has been abused for thousands of years to hold people under the law of man.
A quick reference to the Word of God is crucial.
Matthew 6:12 "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
This portion of the Lord's prayer, which Jesus taught us to pray before all other prayers, has been destroyed by the work of mankind of the ruler of the world. This is how the world has been conformed and deceived by evil persons deep behind the scenes. Doing a bit of research about Islamic ideology will help one to discern the truth. Using the term debt has allowed for businesses, churches, and all institutions to distort the truth of the Word of God.
Jesus does not believe in debt from a monetary stand point. Jesus has never spoken of the issue of debt in regards to His kingdom because money in God's kingdom does not exist. His mind does not revolve around wealth. We simply do not owe debt to any person or government because of our success in what we have built or created. Our success is to be considered in terms of God's kingdom. The cost of living and inflation have caused the world to look to money as our only source of survival. If we do away with money, what do we have in the world? This is the question that each person ought to be dwelling upon.
Confusing the term "debt" with "sin" is man's way of forcing the world to submit to government authority. You see, government is funded by the highest monetary powers in the world. This is why the prayer of Jesus is a threat to their existence. Sin is not owing money or any material possession to God. It is essential for the survival of this human race that we correct the mistake that has been projected upon the saints and followers of Jesus Christ. For their reward is the Tree Of Life, which is without cost, as are all things in God's kingdom.
Do not be fooled by the clever ways of the worldly powers to confuse the truth of the real Jesus.
For just as man has taken from God in this way, so also will God take life from man.
Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all of these things (this truth) shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all of these things (this truth) shall be added to you."
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