As we carefully analyze the end times and Biblical prophecy we see that following the antichrist Jesus appears to us in a way that is without a doubt all of God's Glory. Jesus appears bright and clean in a robe dipped in blood. Now as we attempt to understand this piece of the Revelation we must pay careful attention to the deep mind of God and the hidden sufferings of Jesus Christ. The sufferings of Jesus are most of all felt deep inside His body especially His heart. His heart is the center of the body and without His heart the world would be lost forever. The heart of Christ is filled with knowledge that only God can provide and His Son uses that knowledge when God commands Him to do so. All of the angels of heaven follow Him and are guarding the truth that He holds deep inside. His heart is where the true crucifixion has taken place.
We see that in the end an angel standing in the sun, bearing all the beauty of God's Glory is the one who commands that all kings, generals, mighty men, horses and their riders, and all people who have risen up against the Son of God are to be wiped off the face of the earth. The reason that God commands this is due to the horrific attacks and persecution upon His Son. Of all the finishing touches that God commands in this event, the beast and the false prophet who had performed miraculous signs in the presence of man are cast into the lake of fire. The followers who are left after this event, will be cut down by the sword that comes out of the mouth of the rider on the white horse, Jesus.
Remember that it is not about times or dates as much as it is about God's will. The end is concerning God's will through His Son and all of the angels of heaven. God has already chosen the day and the time of which these events are to unfold. It could be anyway now. This is the spirit of prophecy.
In God's mind one day may be a thousand years...It is our job to be sure that we act according to God's will and honor what He has predestined from since the beginning of the world. The new world has yet to come. Know that God has already carefully designed this world, and His Son and the entire kingdom of God are the author of it all.
Psalm 90:4-6 "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morning--though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered."
We see that in the end an angel standing in the sun, bearing all the beauty of God's Glory is the one who commands that all kings, generals, mighty men, horses and their riders, and all people who have risen up against the Son of God are to be wiped off the face of the earth. The reason that God commands this is due to the horrific attacks and persecution upon His Son. Of all the finishing touches that God commands in this event, the beast and the false prophet who had performed miraculous signs in the presence of man are cast into the lake of fire. The followers who are left after this event, will be cut down by the sword that comes out of the mouth of the rider on the white horse, Jesus.
Remember that it is not about times or dates as much as it is about God's will. The end is concerning God's will through His Son and all of the angels of heaven. God has already chosen the day and the time of which these events are to unfold. It could be anyway now. This is the spirit of prophecy.
In God's mind one day may be a thousand years...It is our job to be sure that we act according to God's will and honor what He has predestined from since the beginning of the world. The new world has yet to come. Know that God has already carefully designed this world, and His Son and the entire kingdom of God are the author of it all.
Psalm 90:4-6 "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morning--though in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered."