Wednesday, August 28, 2013

No Harm

     As we read through the book of Luke we see that during the second coming of Christ many crisis events will take place. Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, great earthquakes, sickness and fearful signs from heaven will be seen by all. By noticing the events that we see today we are able to conclude that much of the world is lost. The question is: "How lost are we?"
     The fearful signs that the world ought to be paying attention to are those of outright doubt to the existence of God through Jesus. During the time of testing, the world will not necessarily see or recognize Jesus until the Father chooses to reveal Him in His divine state. The questioning of God and the sun rising in the west is a critical piece of the puzzle. We now see the reality of the pillars of Islam in our country. Decision making is an important aspect of the signs that are conducted from heaven. Decision making is God's way of discerning those who are diligently seeking to establish His ways. A time of testing will be conducted by God, allowing for certain powers to become magnified in order to see if people will get to back to their first love. If people are not familiar with the term "first love" by now then what shall we say about this nation? About this world? 
     The one constant truth that we live by is that during the perilous times, those who are with Christ simply think beyond the people of the world, for the gifts of those with Christ are not of the world. Not a hair on their head will be harmed, for their protection and security is within the walls of the fortress, Jesus. 
     For the time being, getting by is contentment for those who understand what must happen. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Widow's Mite Truth

     As we carefully read through the Bible we are able to observe connections throughout, from beginning to end. God carefully took the time to tie it all together in order that we would be able to understand it all. Reading in full context is what God expects from us in order that we continue to grow in His Word.
     One of the hidden truths that I have been studying lately is in reference to Luke chapter 21. 
     Luke 21:1-4 "And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast into the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had."
     The meaning of this piece of scripture is symbolism. The symbolism used here is to exemplify the true demonstration of what "giving" means to God. God does not seek the people who give and do nothing in regards to studying His Word. God seeks for us, as the widow, to give our whole selves in order that He may enlighten us into His kingdom, which bears no monetary gain. This symbolic lesson of the Bible is so critical to understanding tithing and contributions to God. To think of the parable more in regards to offering her Son as opposed to monetary possessions is what God is attempting to demonstrate. The coins may be understood as two children, and by offering her two sons to God, she was rewarded. The offering of a child to become a pupil of God is what we are to be seeking to achieve. Following an offering in this way, we begin to see blessings that are not of this world.
     To fully understand how we may reference the widow of Revelation in regards to deep symbolism we may begin to connect the dots by referencing Luke 21. You see, the widow of Revelation is consumed by material possessions and retains control of people by money. Money is the reason that people never see or understand God. The demise of society has become what we created, currency. The ability of evil to use money to remain in control is the dilemma. It is critical to understanding what our nation and all nations across the world have become...We are a world composed of material possessions and are forced to rely on money for our survival. True survival is understanding God and what He asks of us. God asks that we learn to no longer rely on money for survival, but that we rely on the gifts that we possess to help one another overcome the opposition. 
     By carefully thinking of the flip side of the parable of the "widow's mite" we see that God has shown us that the strength of a widow or any person (without Christ) is to enslave people to a system that was not created by God. The reason that He wrote the Revelation was to demonstrate the truth of the current state by which we are currently living.  The power of the widow in Revelation is to hold people accountable to "it" by forcing people to work for the system, created and established by pillars that God never spoke. This is where the confusion and power was both abused and this is where the world got lost. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Recycling Of A World

     In God's mind, the idea of recreation is at hand. The idea of recreation is the simplistic understanding that we have all that we need, as it was given to us by God. As parents, teachers, and ministers we are responsible for teaching the basic concepts that apply to overcoming the world. We are to be instructing and teaching individuals how to survive without being slaves to mankind. Jesus came in order that we would come to know how to achieve freedom in the kingdom of God. 
     Freedom is doing what you love and being responsible enough to provide for your family. The basic idea that God commanded in the beginning of time was to put food on the table. Work is to be directed towards creating an example of how we can provide and not be slaves to the world around us. Of all lessons to be taught throughout the Bible this is most critical in understanding God's desire for us.
     It is important for all working individuals to be aware of who and what they are working for. We are not subject to any authority other that which God has instituted. That means that our job is to use the discernment  of God in order to perceive what has been made by God and what has been created by man. This is a an absolute in the world today.
     Of all the lessons that we as nation ought to be pursuing, we need to be focused upon using our resources together in order to not be slaves to mankind. This is a prime example of a revolution that must take place in order for us to make all things new together as a body of believers in Jesus Christ. Recycling is a basic concept that is at the core foundation of a new world. By recycling our goods and resources we are able to flourish without being slaves to man. Recycling and innovation is how we make progress in achieving a state that is worthy to be called sufficient for God. It is not about how much we have, but more directed towards what we do with what we have. 
     The circle of life is our way of overriding the symbols and meaning of the world without God. The same is exemplified by the symbol of recycling. Recycling is the way in which God plans on making all things new. By each and every person seeking to learn how one is able to do all these things with the help of the body we learn how we may define true success in the kingdom of God. 
     The basic idea of making all things new is empowering one another in a direction opposite of the world. This is God's plan to save mankind.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Great Mystery Revealed

     As we approach the time when we shall see the outcome of what has been prophesied from since the beginning of the world we must understand that a time is coming quickly in which the righteous judgment of God will put an end to the deceit and false representation of Christ.
     There is soon to come a separation of the people of Jesus and the people that worship the pillars of the world, which were created by Islam a long time ago. Islam has crept around behind the scenes, just like Satan, for so long now that many people never realized how much power they had stored up in corruption and deception. The reality of this situation to God is horrific and since the testimony of Jesus has been presented we now will see the evil revealed to all the world, and all citizens of this nation. The testimony of Jesus is the revealing of the great harlot that has corrupted the entire earth and forced their pillars upon all nations. This is what we may also recognize as the beginning of the end. The testimony of Jesus will reveal all of the harlotry that has polluted all the kings and leaders on the earth. By understanding and trusting the testimony of Jesus we begin to perceive things through God's eyes. Through His eyes we are kept safe and aware of the great deception that is living throughout the world. 
     By studying the truth behind the woman and the beast of the Revelation and recognizing the identity of Jesus we begin to associate people with roles. The roles of specific individuals that Jesus has known over the course of His life helps us to identify the great harlot and the beast that she rides. You see these two are one and the same. They have used the greatest tool of evil, which is seduction, to gain control over the players that have the authority to make the changes that God demands. God's Son, the offspring of David and the Bright Morning Star, has come to testify as to the identity these figures. The harlot is both of these figures. These two have deceived the entire world through fornication which lured both all men and women into their favor. By using their bodies in acts of immorality and taking various forms these figures have manipulated the powers of this United States government into their favor.
     However, as we approach the end we see that Jesus reveals these figures. The people that are with Jesus help to save all of those who are lost. This is the process of the rapture that by paying careful attention we understand to be taking place in the world today. 
     "Fear not the world, but fear God's judgment upon the world."

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Christian Democracy

     To begin to fill the minds and hearts of the people across this country is to understand where change is imminent. To force the brilliant minds of men and women to ponder the question of moral crisis and dilemma is to begin to know where innovation and creativity may be used for reform. 
     Reformation of the current system is detrimental to survival. It is right to be worried and alarmed by the information that has been brought to the service of where the true problems exist in our country. The discussions across this nation are to be consumed by that of the truth which may be found in the Living Word of God. Ethical questions must be addressed and answered. Why is it that we do not hear open discussion about belief systems and their origin in the United States of America? Why is it that we cannot have a controlled discussion about the topics which are at the core of our Constitution? Is is sheer laziness? Is it moral crisis? The fact is that change is necessary. Without change the country is doomed. A country's survival is dependent upon God alone. 
     "Oneness" of God is a belief that there are many forms of God that open the gates of heaven. As we consider the seven spirits of God we must be careful and look to the character of Jesus Christ. Each of these spirits is an attribute of God. Or in other words these seven spirits may be a form of God. To define these seven we must listen to the testimony of Jesus. 
     Having been instructed to test the spirits of the world we see that there is a spirit working in the heart of man that is not of God. It is a spirit that promotes dissension and chaos. If we as a people do not address this spirit, then our country will destroy itself. This destruction, and loss for answers, is due to sheer rebellion to God. 
     Our labors are to be what we enjoy and not based upon what someone else may be able to give us, but on the other hand what we may achieve through the motivation of the Holy Spirit. Our battle is not focused upon capital. Capital is the same as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Capital is the origin of dissension of society in a direction away from the truth. Turning the tables, and empowering the lower class or those who need help is our way of saving this nation. The power must soon be handed over to the brilliant minds who demand very little capital for survival. They possess the ideas that will transform and save a nation that has revolved around capital for so long now. By listening we are able to gain understanding. Classes must dissipate and we must realize that life is not about monetary gain. Life is about understanding the building blocks of society.
     Our cause and priority is to supply information to the public. By following this instruction we will see a nation transformed into a state pleasing to God. The oppression must dissipate and there shall be no tolerance for such acts of intimidation. 
     In this day and age, we are to disparage the popular government which is an illusion and power to the opposition who desires to remain in control. The Christian movement is to extend the scope of perception. By opening the eyes of the public and confessing the problematic issues that have allowed for turmoil and outright persecution we will begin to see progress. But until that time in which a leader will discuss not monetary issues, but instead issues of Biblical ethics we will see a continued growth of strife and chaos. God forewarned people of this time and age from long ago.
      The distractions must be overcome by understanding that our priority is not to make our treasure that of capital. Our true treasure is discovering the intimate small productions of creativity in order to understand the hidden kingdom of God, that the Bible entitles us to. Goods and service are the foundation of an economy. The goods that we must be producing must be informative as opposed to distracting from the true dynamic of the situation in which we are living. Divine faith must be at the core of our goods and services. Without the divine truth being incorporated into our businesses and production continual stresses will arise. 
    The idea behind a Christian democracy is that justice will be lasting and sacred. Let us not distort or confuse any longer the name of Christian democracy in the United States of America. Our contingency is to realign and restructure the system in a way that demands honor and diligence to increasing God's kingdom. We as a nation are to be sewing seeds in the kingdom of heaven. We are to be free from political parties and to understand that classes are irrelevant. The change of the country will be based upon simple yet divine ways of thinking. 
     We as a nation are to stand firm in our spirit of obedience to one body, one spirit, one Baptism, and one God and Father who is above all, and through all, and in us all. We are to be subject to Him alone. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Army Of God

   I want to write for a little while about how the army of God wages war. As a united body of believers we wage war against the beast of society. The beast is all the bad that exists in the world. The beast was created to wage war against God. The beast is rebellion to God. Therefore, we as valiant warriors of God stand firm in our righteousness. We hold true to He who created us. For we are all the offspring of Christ if we seek out our first love, which ought to have been God through Christ.
    The way that war is waged is by running through the enemy in our daily lives by being built up in the light of the Holy Spirit, the true light which God provides. At this point in time this is how we win the war against those who follow after the ruler of the world, also known as wormwood. To overcome wormwood we establish our ways of thinking to be like those of God. We see through His eyes the world as it exists in the end of days, the present. This is how we know to wage war. We are fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places. These spirits may be invisible a majority of the time.  Remember that angels of God may be invisible also. The limited power that was given to the followers of the beast is that to persecute with outright scrutiny. This was foretold in the Bible.
   It is time to command all of the armies of God to rise up and overcome the spiritual wickedness that has deceived and killed so many. It is God's command that we uphold His ways in all that we do. We will wage war against all of those who persecute and attempt to destroy the truth of the Living Word of God.
   This is a time in which the beast will be put to an end. All of those who have followed after the beast will soon find themselves in no man's land. Then will come the day of judgment for those who are what God sees to be the walking dead.
   The priests and angels of God are to overcome with authority of the Holy Spirit, who is both a peacemaker and a warrior. Understanding the balance is key. The character of the army of God is to reconcile the situation in ways that are pleasing to God, but to never be overcome or intimidated by the opposition. 
   James 5:8 "Be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!"
  Understand that the judge of all is Jesus Christ. He has been called by His Father to judge the living and the dead. He is the most merciful of all judges yet He demands respect for His Father and His Law.
   1 Corinthians 16:13 "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love."
    Love is God. God has two sides. Love is what He desires to use to shower the entire world, but as a Father disciplines His Son, so does God discipline those whom He loves. This is a hard lesson for many, but understanding the mind of God to not put up with evil is essential to understanding the heart of God.