In return for the righteousness that Noah had demonstrated towards God, Noah was given the right to load up the ark with creatures of all kinds, both male and female of each species. God informed Noah that in response to man's rebellion to His desire, that He would send rain upon the earth for forty days and nights. God planned to wipe every living creature from the face of the earth.
Noah and all of his family loaded the ark, and suddenly the springs of the deep and the heavens bursted forth water of an enormous capacity. This was done in order to demonstrate His absolute authority as author of the world. For the entire forty days heavy rains continued and never let up, wiping out all the living creatures from the earth.
Once God closed the floodgates of heaven the waters began to recede. God sent out a raven from a window that he had made in the ark to see if it could find dry land. Noah then sent out a dove to see if it would come back with evidence of dry land, and sure enough after a little time there in its beak was a little olive leaf. So, after seven more days he sent out the dove again and it did not return. This was the indicator that land was to soon be discovered.
Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the earth had become dry.
God then commanded Noah and his family to come out of the ark. God said allow all of the creatures on the ark to come out and to be fruitful and to multiply.
Noah soon built an altar to the Lord, where he sacrificed burnt offerings to God. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart that He would never curse man again...Even though He knew that the heart of man was evil from childhood.
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.
God instructed Noah and his family to be fruitful and to increase in number upon the earth. Every beast of the field and creature of the earth would fear man. For all of what God created was established in order for the survival of man. Therefore, just as all of the green plants on the earth are yours, so are every living creature (not including man) that moves. But never eat the meat with lifeblood still in it.
God informed Noah that He would take into account the actions of each man while on the earth. He would also take an account of every animal.
Whoever makes the choice to shed the blood of man, so will man shed his blood. God made man in order to fill the earth and to live in harmony, not to wage war on one another.
The covenant that God chose to use to be the sign of the promise that He would not flood the earth was that of the rainbow. God promised to never again, wipe out the entire human race with a flood.
By setting a rainbow in the clouds, God set His covenant between Himself and the earth.
Now, this covenant was created to allow man to survive as long as God would allow for the earth to remain in existence. However, in the end of the world, after having sent His only begotten Son, God would once again execute justice upon all of mankind that had crucified His Son and all of His people who had not repented for their sins. For all of the abominable, unbelieving, and immoral persons their promise would be in the lake of fire and brimstone.
The covenant of the rainbow is a key piece of the promise that God made in sending His only begotten Son into the world, with the hope that the world would understand God. The rainbow is a key piece of understanding the name written upon Jesus, which no one knows but Himself.
Jesus is clothed in rainbows.
Noah and all of his family loaded the ark, and suddenly the springs of the deep and the heavens bursted forth water of an enormous capacity. This was done in order to demonstrate His absolute authority as author of the world. For the entire forty days heavy rains continued and never let up, wiping out all the living creatures from the earth.
Once God closed the floodgates of heaven the waters began to recede. God sent out a raven from a window that he had made in the ark to see if it could find dry land. Noah then sent out a dove to see if it would come back with evidence of dry land, and sure enough after a little time there in its beak was a little olive leaf. So, after seven more days he sent out the dove again and it did not return. This was the indicator that land was to soon be discovered.
Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the earth had become dry.
God then commanded Noah and his family to come out of the ark. God said allow all of the creatures on the ark to come out and to be fruitful and to multiply.
Noah soon built an altar to the Lord, where he sacrificed burnt offerings to God. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in His heart that He would never curse man again...Even though He knew that the heart of man was evil from childhood.
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.
God instructed Noah and his family to be fruitful and to increase in number upon the earth. Every beast of the field and creature of the earth would fear man. For all of what God created was established in order for the survival of man. Therefore, just as all of the green plants on the earth are yours, so are every living creature (not including man) that moves. But never eat the meat with lifeblood still in it.
God informed Noah that He would take into account the actions of each man while on the earth. He would also take an account of every animal.
Whoever makes the choice to shed the blood of man, so will man shed his blood. God made man in order to fill the earth and to live in harmony, not to wage war on one another.
The covenant that God chose to use to be the sign of the promise that He would not flood the earth was that of the rainbow. God promised to never again, wipe out the entire human race with a flood.
By setting a rainbow in the clouds, God set His covenant between Himself and the earth.
Now, this covenant was created to allow man to survive as long as God would allow for the earth to remain in existence. However, in the end of the world, after having sent His only begotten Son, God would once again execute justice upon all of mankind that had crucified His Son and all of His people who had not repented for their sins. For all of the abominable, unbelieving, and immoral persons their promise would be in the lake of fire and brimstone.
The covenant of the rainbow is a key piece of the promise that God made in sending His only begotten Son into the world, with the hope that the world would understand God. The rainbow is a key piece of understanding the name written upon Jesus, which no one knows but Himself.
Jesus is clothed in rainbows.